The Art of Angels - Dominions, Virtues and Powers

, also known as Lordships, are middle-management angels, responsible for those on the lower tier. Pseudo-Dionysus tells us that 'the explanatory name of the Holy Lordships denotes a certain unslavish elevation, free from all grovelling subserviency, as becomes the free, not submitting itself in any way whatever to one of the tyrannical dissimilarities, as a cruel Lordship; superior to every kind of cringing slavery, indomitable to every subserviency, and elevated above every dissimilarity, ever aspiring to the true Lordship, and source of Lordship.'  Paul mentions them briefly in his letter to the Ephesians Chapter 1.
  Their attributes include orbs of light, attached to the top of their sceptres.
Guariento d’Arpo’s image from Padua, (right, below) they are holding their orbs; these were probably originally painted with silver leaf, which has now tarnished.

Baptistery, Florence

Virtues are kept busy, carrying out the instructions of the Dominions, and are responsible for the seasons, the stars and the moon, and miracles. These miracles may involves filling individuals with grace and virtue: both images below (from the usual places) show this happening. Pseudo-Dionysus tells us that they are 'perfectly turned towards the Source of virtue, and flowing forth providentially to those below it, abundantly filling them with virtue.' 

Powers are warrior angels, whose task is to fight evil spirits, and empower humans to do so. Pseudo-Dionysus tells us that their name 'denotes a certain courageous and unflinching virility.'
Angelic Hierarchy Introduction                                                                          Angels page 1

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