The side panels
 At the side of the altarpiece  were eight images of saints, a number of them Dominicans. As with the predella panels, they are widely scattered, and the original arrangement is not clear. Two of the panels were discovered on the walls of a house in Oxford in 2006.
The reconstruction on the previous page is a good attempt, and I have placed them here according to that arrangement.

                                                                                                            The left side.

St Vincent Ferrer.
Private collection.

St Bernard.
Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg

St Roch.
Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg

Unidentified Dominican. (St Dominic?)
Private Collection
The right side.

Thomas Aquinas
Collezione Vittorio Cini Venice

St Romauld
Private Collection

St Jerome
Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg

St Peter Martyr

Hampton Court Palace
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